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BOUND4BURLINGAME is a camping and outdoor forum that invites people to share experiences, recipes, tips, hints, trends, humor, DIYs, gear and gadgets, pictures, ideas, product recommendations, events and knowledge. We like to say that our website and network of social sites are "For Campers, By Campers", but really our content is for ALL campers, outdoor enthusiasts and adventurists!
Budget conscious travelers unite! If you're a camper, you know our choice of hobby is a far cry from a "cheap" vacation in the woods. In my childhood, my cousins and I grabbed a sleeping bag and headed for the hills to sleep under the stars. We packed a flashlight, a Pb & J sandwich, and some marshmallows.... and we survived just fine. We returned home dirty, hungry, mosquito bitten, scraped up....and happy! As adults, "roughing it" has morphed into many of us being plugged in, wired up, and decked out with whats trending in camping gadgets and products.
Unfortunately, like many others, I just don't have money to spend on all that cool fancy stuff! That's not to say it doesn't make it interesting to look at, or dream about...and I'm sure there are plenty of people that spend lots and lots of cash on anything that eases the pain of "roughing it"....but that's not me.
With that in mind, regarding our main Facebook page, our mission is to aid campers and outdoor adventurers by providing a variety of relevant "stuff" that will enhance their recreational hobby....NOT empty their pockets. But, that doesn't mean I'm not going to post a $250 solar powered blender link...because I will....because anything relevant to camping is fair game here.
Our website and private Facebook group focuses on the many aspects of planning a camping trip specifically to Burlingame State Campground in Charlestown, RI. Its important to me that people have a good camping experience and I believe my efforts help individuals/families/couples have a positive adventure, creating memories and traditions to reflect on. I love camping and the outdoors and want others to participate in the hobby.
Our many social pages were created with Burlingame fans in mind, but have morphed into a way to connect with the general population of camping and outdoor enthusiasts. It takes a lot of time and effort to create content and to format posts on so many platforms. I've always been an open book about eventually finding a way to profit from the general public's interest in camping, but for the past decade, this goal has fallen flat. It's fine. The world wide web and the influence of ever expanding social networks are essential to growing the concept of Bound4Burlingame. So, as virtual trends change, we will attempt to follow. It may be two steps forward, one step back... as long as we are heading in the right direction. Please fall into the conga line.
People just don't seem to understand that our B4B website, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube Channel (and all other pages) are a volunteer effort by a fellow camper! We are not legally affiliated with the state of RI, or BA Serves (current campground management contractor).
Why did I do all this? Have you seen the state's so-called informational page for Burlingame, or clicked around Reserve America? Minimal info and photos which are outdated, incorrect, and inaccurate. Campers want/need more than the state is obligated to make public knowledge, and management contracts expire. For 50+ years, no one (in a paid position) had taken the time to do it. In 2011, I decided to help my fellow campers! Although it's disappointing that B4B is never acknowledged as the best source of info out there for Burlingame, I'm happy that so many campers have been able to reap the rewards of my efforts. I appreciate that many campers and past employees have stepped up to help through our private Facebook group. Knowledge and personal experiences go a long way in informing and helping others who want to visit our favorite campground. Thank you supporters!
First of all. I have to tell you...there's no "we" behind B4B. It's just one person, ME! Bound4Burlingame is my pet time consuming-what did I get myself into- labor of love. That's right, I don't get paid for any of this. And since I do not have any professional web design experience or developer degree, the Bound4Burlingame website and social pages are a slow, ongoing process. BTW- We all know how bold/nasty people can get when they are hiding behind a keyboard. To date, we've had VERY little of this in our forums. However, I do like to have a tiny bit of anonymity in case someone gets rubbed the wrong way, which is why I use my bitmoji in a lot of posts. Plus, I have naturally curly, unruly hair and often have makeup on from 3 days prior... and my bitmoji is always on point! I am, in fact a real person!
"Share in the adventure, by sharing your adventures."...that's my quote. And I felt that way long before I dreamt up the concept of Bound4Burlingame. I guess you could call me a people person...or you could just say I don't like drinking by the campfire alone.
I'm a 60 year old divorcee with two almost 30 year old kids, one kitty cat and a private fire tender boyfriend of almost 15 years. I grew up hiking, fishing, camping and tending to various barn animals in the farmlands of Melrose, CT. My dad built a 2nd home in Mad River Valley, VT when I very young and The Long Trail literally was in our backyard. Lots amd lots of hours were spent trekking the dirt roads and woods with my cousins. It was my mom who trudged the trails and slept under the stars with us, but both my parents instilled unto me the love of the great outdoors. (Read a tribute to her here in my poem "The Camping Mother") My dad passed in July 2020 after a year long battle with small cell lung cancer, and my mother has relocated to Indiana to live with my oldest sister. My middle sister relocated to South Carolina, so our B4B community has sort of become my family. It makes me happy to walk around and visit with everyone while at camp. I used to be a RI taxpayer, but I call Connecticut home. I'll always be a New England girl!
The name "Bound4Burlingame" was an easy choice for this project. Burlingame is in close proximity to the Charlestown and Westerly beaches (another love of mine) and during the vast majority of days April-October, all my friends knew I was "Bound for Burlingame". Sun and surf by day. Campfire by night...with friends. If you find yourself aching for the sounds of nature and you can't resist the smell of singed hair, come sit by the fire. There's always room for one more.
Bound4Burlingame creator
Our 3K+ members will answer questions, give opinions & recommend a great campsite! Our CAMPER CREATED community allows you gain access to decades of combined knowledge and experience. Answer membership questions and agree to rules to have your account screened for entry. #campershelpingcampers
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